Monday 19 April 2010

Why are piano teachers so [insert pejorative adjective here] ?

Okay so I decided to make a notebook of things I know or like that I think will mark the years 2009-2010
I think It's gonna be quite cool when I find this book in twenty years and go like " Oh yeah! I remember that!"
So anyway,
This is the first page! It's kindof the "musical part"

Okay so I just wanted to point out the fact that all those artists are NOT my favourite ones, some of them are just not all of them and I know this page is kinda blergh but oh well it's the first one!:P

Okay and also if you wanna know the reason for the future spelling mistakes or typing error the answer is my sister listening to Adam Lambert really loud in her room! Not that I don't love Adam Lambert, don't get me wrong: I love Adam Lambert but it's kind of annoying when you're listening to Alright by Supergrass and all you can hear from it is we are... and WHATTAYA WANT FROM ME!! Okay I'm getting cranky so I'm moving to the second page! 
Gosh this is so much better! My sister's listening to Tokio Hotel : / 


Okay alors j'ai decide de faire un cahier qui contient des choses que j'aime bien ou pas qui je pense ont marque les annees 2009-2010.
Je pense que ca sera assez marrant quand je retrouverai ce cahier dans 10 ans et je dirai AH OUIIII j'me rappelle et je sourirai malicieusement en me souvenant de cette periode qui pourtant, malgre ses differents "trends" n'a pas de caracteristiques particulieres comme les annees 50, 60, 70, 80, ou meme 90.
Je propose que le monde actuel etablisse un "style" qui puisse definir les annees 2010 :D N'empeche que je suis sure que ca serait tres divertissant et on serait plus capables des dizaines d'annees apres de se souvenir de cette decenie!
Enfin bon:
Les artistes sur cette page qui, je tiens a signaler sont ceux que j'ai trouves et ceux un peu connus ou tres mais pas FORCEMENT mes preferes .

Alors je repete :
Norah Jones, Sum 41, My Chemical Romance, SkullCandy Headphones, an iPhone, David Guetta, Lady GaGa, Muse, Sliimy, The Beatles, Madonna, Robbie Williams, MIKA, Placebo and Michael Buble! et si vous cherchez les liens pour les artistes montez un peu plus haut sur la page ils y sont dans la partie en anglais !

THen I present to you theeeeeee weird and stuff bleh bleh bleh
Now, this is the random and what-have you page! So I added a Macbook Pro  ((I wish I had one :( )) My mom might buy one so I'll make awesome videos !

On your left (which is FYI, also my left) you can see (if you can properly use at least one of your two eyes)
an iPhone a Nikey!, Lady GaGa, Micky Green, a Zadig et Voltaire shirt, some patriotic Reebok shoe, a Samsung Tocco, a Raving Rabbid (I never knew why but those rabbits always reminded me of my older sister, Lisa) what else? Ooh ooh an ACDC mug! I kinda like ACDC even though it's not really the type of music I usually listen to, speaking of which, I am dying to see Iron Man two! I absolutely adore Robert Downey Jr and I also loved the way he dressed at the Oscars but that is not the point and besides, the Oscars were, like, ages ago, even though the time at which they aired still feels like yesterday, and WHOA my sentence just stopped making sense. Yeah okay I think I'll just move on to the next page cos you know I'm gonna write pages about the nothing no one NOONE (uh-oh, now I'm thinking of Alicia Keys, speaking of which I watched American Idol and --- NO!!!! I have to stop) But you have to agree with me that when you just start blogging you're writing to people though it absurdly seems you are talking to yourself.Oh so continuing and remember guys, you're british, or American or whatever and you read in ENGLISH so you don't read  the BLUE part!

Alors, ci dessus la page euh... hmm?
Bon bref, alors techniquement parlant, si vous n'avez pas perdu l'usage de vos deux yeux, vous pourrez remarquer un iPhone, un Samsung Tocco, des Nikeys tres, comment dire patriotique? Un pull Zadig et Voltaire, un Lapin Cretin, Lady GaGa, Micky Green... Quoi d'autre? Ah! OUI! je sais je sais je sais! un Mug ACDC. J'aime bien ACDC meme si c'est pas tout a fait le style de musique que j'ecoute habituellement, et en parlant de ACDC, j'ai vraiment hate que Iron Man 2 sorte! Il faut dire que j'ai absolument ADORE le premier et j'ai aussi beaucoup aime Robert Downey Junior, et en parlant de Robert Downey Junior j'ai trouve son look super aux Oscar meme si la diffusion des Oscar date d'il y a un petit moment, j'ai quand meme l'impression que c'etait hier et de toute facon ca n'a absolument rien a voir avec le sujet et il faut absolument que je "revienne a mes moutons " parce que ma phrase fait dix lignes, a la Marcel Proust, et sur le chemin elle vient de perdre tout son sens.
Euh.. La il y a un grand froid alors je vais passer a la page d'apres, non?

The way people dress on the streets ( I cut thos out of GRAZIA ) and the Chanel publicity with Lily Allen.
And some shoe on the top right.

Rien a dire. Lily Allen pour Chanel et la maniere dont les gens ont tendance a s'habiller sur la page de droite.

Now, now, George Clooney. GEORGE CLOONEY. People older than eleven years old whom lived during the 2009-2010 period will MOST CERTAINLY remember him in ten years. No?
Oh, come ON! When people say coffee, you think Nespresso and when people say Nespresso you automatically think:"Nespresso. What else?"
And that might be just me so if you don't think the same way, POST a comment. If you feel tired and like blue-->; post a comment
And on the page of the left:
Golden High-Top Docs (by the way I will talk about docs in the future), Barack Obama, and famous celebrity moms with their kids.


Voyons, voyons mes chers lecteurs. George Clooney. GEORGE CLOONEY. Vous ne pouvez, en aucun cas me dire que personne ne se souviendra de lui dans cinq-dix ans! C'est bien pour ca qu'il est dans ce cahier. Allez, avouez-le quand vous entendez Nespresso, vous avez tous une envie incoercible de dire le famous What Else?
ET a cote, des Docs (j'en veux) Barack Obama, et des stars avec leurs enfants. 

Hmm. I forgot what was on the above pages. If only it were written in HUGE letters.
Oh, wait, it is dear reader, it most certainly is!
Zadig et Voltaire and Burberry, THE BEAT. I'm sorry, don't feel attacked by all those capital letters I use. Please! No don't close the page, nooooo! I'm sorry ! I truly am! Will you ever forgive me? What? Of course I'll post more pictures ! Oh how good it feels to be forgiven reader! *hug*

I like this furniture. Especially the retro phone, man.
Please french readers, I'm tired, understand a bit of English as well ...

I don't really have much to say on that one. I think you recognize the people. But in case you don't: Miley Cyrus, Liam Hemsworth, Zac Efron, Vanessa Hudgens, Jean-Paul Gaultier, Karl Lagerfeld.
Okay so you'll never believe me but when I was like, six, I lived on a street near a Jean-Paul Gaultier shop. Okay, so back then I had absolutely no idea who he really was apart from "the guy who owned the shop" and as  I was walikng home with my dad some man just randomly and perfectly normally walks down the street and enters the boutique. I remember his face, the fact that he was wearing gray jeans and mostly the fact that, afterwards my dad went :" you saw that man, right, Nina? That man is Jean-Paul Gaultier."

Agyness Deyn, Madonna, Friends, Gossip Girl, Rihanna, Polaroids.

Les Plastiscines, earbuds, Billie Porter.

Alexander Wang specs, Aggy D (L) London Fashion Week poster, J-P Gaultier, Starbucks.

 Charlotte Kemp and Chocolate

Too much to say here. I made pages of objects and things that go well together.
I'm getting lazy, now.
Phone, doll-size Euros, a cupcake, books, a chair and blank.


Yours Truly,



  1. Hey! Thanks for the comment. Great start! I like your idea of the notebook- very creative. Can't wait to see what comes next!

  2. what a lovely idea! I have a little black moleskine i draw in every day!! keep up the great blogging
    xoxo sarah

  3. wow, this is great!
    I'd love a moleskin but I don't have one and is currently doing these stuff on a small notebook, but I really love yours. wow. keep up the great work!!

  4. Lily Allen for Chanel?
    perfect match :)
