Monday 26 April 2010

So-so-so-sonia Rykiel (to the theme of Babybel, duh)

Dear readers,
As it is your duty, please read what I wrote on this picture to your left.
Now stare at those specs. You're really into them.
And now, you scroll down and watch the Super Duper Video below.

 This just makes me want to go to Paris via balloons, dress in pastel-coloured clothes and eat patsries shaped like sweets.


  1. i like your blog very much! and those pink glasses are adorable!!!! i wish i owned them! hey, if you havent already please, please come subscribe to our blog!
    LOVELY BLOG! :) <3

  2. This is Lucy from LucyPlease, btw.

    Love your blog! I followed, by the way. It is such an honor to be you first follower!

  3. hi, wow i love your blog! i know you've only got a few posts but i already know that if you keep this up this will turn into something amazingg :D!

    (I started a blog too :p. its not that good but hey i'm a beginner :3)
